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Jason is Watching the Friday Fans
Source:Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor
October 4, 2008

Mick Garris, beware. Your crown as one of the nicest guys in horror may be snatched away by actor Derek Mears if you're not too careful.

Mears, who plays Jason Voorhees in Platinum Dunes' Friday the 13th, took a break from the red carpet shenanigans at Universal's Eyegore Awards Ceremony Friday night to candidly talk with me about the increasing buzz surrounding Voorhees' latest massacre. And yes, he is watching what the fans have to say. The actor admits to sifting through horror sites like to read what people say when photos, like this batch, leak online.

"People tell me not to [read the message boards], but I'm entertained either way," Mears says. "I love the, Pardon me, if it's a remake wouldn't that be the mother [doing the killing]? Yeah, I understand that, but it's not a remake. The positive stuff and the negative stuff, I like it. I'll see digs on myself like, That guy's a total P-U-S-S-Y! And I'm like, okay...that's cool."

Mears can relate to the increasing level of excitement surrounding the film as we near its Friday, February 13, 2009 release date. "I've been talking to [producers] Brad [Fuller] and Andrew [Form] at Platinum Dunes and they're like little kids knowing they've got a big surprise. They told me, Just so you know, we've done eight films here and this is the best film we've ever made. Don't tell me that, just show it to me!"

A teaser trailer is expected to arrive in theaters on October 24th. "I saw a rough cut," Mears beams. "You see a little bit. It's about a minute long but the cool thing is that, because we bonded as a cast and we genuinely like each other, we all rushed Platinum Dunes on the same day to see the teaser." And the verdict? "It's great! And I'm not just trying to hype it, the movie looks amazing."

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Posted by: Thunder on October 4, 2008 at 19:15:06

He seems like a really nice guy. It's usually the nice ones that can pull off being evil on the big screen! Can't wait to see it.

Posted by: Ey Malloy on October 4, 2008 at 19:26:53

This is insane! Some men just want to watch the World burn!

Posted by: Madness Of Mando on October 4, 2008 at 20:27:48

I've hated all of the platinum dune remakes... i hated THE HITCHER the most. I did see the leaked trailer from con this year... I dunno, looks alright, Zombie's HALLOWEEN made me believe there might be light at the end of the tunnel for Remakes, I wanna see WOLFMAN, might as well give this a shot.

Posted by: iwannaplaywithursister on October 4, 2008 at 20:55:40

..... could it poss be whit saw v .... yes... i think it can!!!!!!! AMAZING!! freddy vs. jason sucked balls... hopefully this wont either!!

Posted by: Charley Brewster on October 4, 2008 at 21:03:16

FRIDAY THE 13TH, MY BLOODY VAlENTINE 3-D and NIGHT OF THE DEMONS are 3 Remakes hitting in '09 that I can't wait to see.

Sorry, but RZ Trailer Trashoween was the worst redux that I have ever seen. Worse than Psycho and The Haunting?...yep!

Posted by: Joey Monda on October 4, 2008 at 23:42:08

I was hoping for the same trailer like the one at comic con - just actually clear. I CAN'T WAIT.

Posted by: ZOMBIE4PETA on October 5, 2008 at 03:51:32

Did someone say remake??? I never even heard of the original!!!

I hope Jason kills Obama first!

Posted by: ShadowMan on October 5, 2008 at 04:09:19

Remakes seem to be the new sequels these days in hollyweird's eyes, so at this point I think I'm pretty much immune. Yeah a lot of them a pointless, and a lot of them are crap, but we'll always have the originals, and just so long as those original films are treated well on dvd and now bluray, I can enjoy the rare good remake, and discard the rest.

As for this, the guy looks the part, sounds like a stand up guy as well, and let's face it, the film is practically guaranteed to be better than at least some of the Friday the 13th sequels were, so I'm willing to give it, and him, a shot. I mean hell, it's not like there was that much of a grand over-riding story and continuity in the original films anyway for the most part, so maybe this is one of those cases where some fresh blood will actually be a good thing. We'll see.

Posted by: Wyngarde on October 5, 2008 at 10:51:20

Let's put Platinum Dunes out of business! Don't see or buy anything related to them! They are killing horror!

Posted by: Scott on October 5, 2008 at 10:52:17

Well I met Derek at monstermania and he was a great guy to talk to and he really loves his fans. Believe me its no joke he really loves his fans. I think this will be good and looking forward to this movie. I dont look at them as remakes because they are not the same characters in the movie. Now if shelly was in the movie then I would consider it a remake.

Posted by: Captain Arlong on October 5, 2008 at 13:54:15

I for one cannot wait for this movie. Platinum Dune isn't killing horror, if anything he's bringing it back. I'm sick of those idiots that try to pass of some normal human as a monster, we need the real monsters like Jason and Freddy back. We can't even get decent vampire movies anymore, they're all full of pretty-boy vampires falling in love.

Posted by: Michael Keaton Overdrive on October 5, 2008 at 15:17:04

My freind just let me barrow his box set of the original films, so I could watch them all and get the 411 on the series, to get ready for the new film. I watched them, and then saw the bootleg footage of the new one from comic con or whatever that was, and I gotta say this new film looks awesome. It actually looks like the most vicious Friday the 13th film so far.

At first, like anybody, when i heard they were remaking all of these classic franchises, I said "that's B.S." but after seeing that bootleg footage, it made me excited. Like finally in the middle of all these bad japanese horror remakes rated pg13, i still get to see the R-rated Jason Vorheese kill some dumb ass naked *****es. And thats a good feeling, guys. It makes me feel warm inside.

Posted by: American Slasher on October 6, 2008 at 08:24:58

People need to shut the **** up. This remake is going to help reboot a franchise that has been dying since friday the 13th part 8. I would rather have a remake then sit and watch another ****y ****ing sequel. Like part 9 10 or vs freddy. Remakes help reboot the horror movies that we all love. And can someone tell me how the Halloween remake ruined it. I think the remake was the best out of all the halloween movies. Halloween was never even scary untill zombie made his movie. he actually made it what it should have been all along, Scary and horror and disturbing at times. And friday the 13th will be the best remake so far. And Mears is way better then the over-rated kane hodder. **** kane hodder. Yeah thats right, I said it. And to all you wanna be horror fans who are not seeing it, Your just adding to the problem of the public who keep trying to stop horror movies from being made by not going and see this film you are killing horror you *******s. Remakes are the only way to save these films IMO. And one more thing... Cant wait for the childs play remake.

Posted by: joe asylo on October 6, 2008 at 16:16:37

spoiler alert, again
someone get to near to the mother vorhees shrine, went out of the floor i feet is stab.

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